In Our Community

Exploring New Paths to Justice, Friendship & Leadership – Saturday, Nov. 19 @ Hope Mennonite Church (222 Furby St., Wpg.) Coffee @ 9:30 am, Program 10am-4 pm, Lunch by donation. RSVP to Ingrid Ph: 204-888-6781 (ext. 136) or email Sponsored by Mennonite Church MB & Canada in partnership with Partnership Circle.

Altona Health Care Auxiliary Annual General MeetingTues, Nov 22, 2 p.m. at the Altona Memorial Hospital MPR. Guest speaker is Dr. Ken Kliewer.  Refreshments to follow.  All are welcome.

Along the Road to Freedom: Art Exhibit depicting Mennonite women of courage & faith who brought their children out of the Soviet Union – Exhibit goes from Oct. 22-Jan. 29, 2017 @ MB Legislative Building Rotunda.

MissionFest Manitoba 2017 – Feb. 3-5 @ Church of the Rock. For more info visit MissionFest