Alpha Children Course – 2-session course with video presentation by Gordon Neufeld facilitated by Terry Warburton on Tuesdays, Feb. 18 & 25, 6-9:30 pm at Eden Health Care Services. Cost is $65/person. See Seeds Bulletin Board for more details and registration forms. For more info email or ph. 204-325-5355.
Camps with Meaning – Camp Brochures for 2014 are on Bookcase in the Foyer at Seeds.
YFC Altona Dessert Fundraiser – Tuesday, March 4, 7 pm at the eXchange. We need volunteer bakers and kitchen help to support our efforts that night. If you are interested in baking deserts or helping with set up and clean up of the evening please contact Anita Doerksen at 204-324-8348 or email: We also need individuals or couples to be Table hosts. Table host are responsible for inviting guests to fill a table at the event. If you are interested in hosting a table please call Larry Reimer 204-324-7280.