This fall we have been rediscovering the ancient practice of Sabbath: finding our way back to a rhythm set out by God from the very beginning. We have been invited to return, to return is to remember our own fundamental identity, and to remember who God is; celebrating God’s constant Presence in everything that is.
Advent is typically a time where everything gets ramped up,and we wondered how to resist that in a season where we feel God urging us to enter Sabbath rest. With that in mind, our theme for Advent is “Simple Christmas”. We will explore the words Prepare, Trust, Rest & Enjoy. The hope is to prepare for the celebration of Immanuel in a way that brings rest, trust, hope, and joy to us and those around us.
Daily Scripture for Today: Psalm 72
There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them!
1. Use the Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) method of Praying the Scriptures. Listen while you read it slowly. Meditate on what you hear. Speak to God your prayer, thoughts, questions. Rest in God’s presence, let His presence wash over you as you sit in quiet.
2. SOAP – Scripture (read it) Observe (ask questions, research, etc) Apply (What does say to me in the present?) Pray (let God know what you’re thinking or questioning)
For scripture study help visit The Text This Week or Bible Gateway