Cell Group Survey for Seeds community

Cell Group Survey for Seeds community

Cell Groups are one way we intentionally create space for connection, for “Coming Together” within our Seeds community. Each of our Cells exist to help realize the mission of Seeds  “To Make Jesus Real” and to help us live out our anchors of Fostering Relationships, Taking Time to Listen and Moving with Purpose all within the context of God, Self & Others.

We sense there’s a growing need within our community for additional cells groups. Our hope is to start 3 new groups this fall. In order for that to happen we need your help. Please take some time to fill out the following survey and let us know what level of interest you have in partnering in the creation of new cells.   https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MHMDGMP

If you prefer pen & paper, paper copies of the survey will be available just outside the worship space on Sunday mornings.

Questions? Contact Cal Funk by phone 204-746-4411 or email calfunk@mymts.net