After almost a week for the two newest families to Altona, they seem to be settling in. It is great to see their eagerness to learn. They have been kept busy as they do the remaining paperwork to settle into Canada and Manitoba. Getting some tours of the schools and beginning the registrations for schooling for everyone(including the adults) is also a big task. And even with all this they continue to be grateful and smile. Thanks to many of you as their support team who are a wonderful encouragement and help to them.
Since they will begin their EAL classes Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 am-12 noon. at Regional Connections. They are working to accommodate all the preschool children with childcare. While that is being done we need some temporary child minders.
Seeds Church has graciously opened their facility to allow childcare there.
At this point there could be about 8 children with a number more to arrive.
If you or someone you know would be willing to give one day a week (more if you like)to help with childcare so the adults can go to EAL classes and until Regional Connections facility is ready to receive the children. We’d love to hear from you.