Breakfast Potluck 10 am on Sunday, Jan. 6

Breakfast Potluck 10 am on Sunday, Jan. 6

Join us for ‘WEAR WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY’ Sunday, Jan. 6 for a Breakfast Potluck at 10 am. Whether it’s your favourite PJ’s or sweats, your lucky sports jersey or your best fishing hat, please wear what makes you happy! Bring a platter of baked goods, fruit or cheese for the breakfast buffet.

Worship Service begins @ 10:45 am. You will have an opportunity to share stories of gratitude during the service.

Communion – You will have an opportunity to come together around the table to share communion…the table is open to all!

Camp Roots – Children’s ministry ‘Camp Roots’ is offered upstairs during the worship service after the worship singing for two age groups…First Look – Age 3-K and 252 – Gr. 1-6. Questions? Contact Melissa Jede at or 204-324-6821.

Nursery – Children are welcome to use the upstairs Nursery if accompanied by an adult.

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