If you call Seeds Church your home and are looking for ways to give to the ministry of your church there are a few ways to consider.
(1) Cash or Cheque – Place your cash or cheque (made out to Seeds Church) in a envelope labelled ‘Seeds Gift’ in the ‘Gifts for God’ slot in the bookcase in the foyer at the eXchange
(2) Direct Deposit – Pick up a form to set up direct deposit on the bookcase in the foyer beside the ‘Gifts for God’ slot.
(3) e-transfer – Set up e-transfer your gift to the email gifts@seedschurch.ca…please make the security as follows… “The mission of Seeds Church?” with the answer “makejesusreal”
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Seeds Treasurer, Curt Letkeman by email curtl@friesens.com