This is the first in a series of posts that will reflect on the Weekly Bible Verses during our "Year of Living Biblically" at Seeds. We encourage you to comment and interact with the writers.
Father, this is the hope I live for. “Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone.” The Enthroned continued, “Look! I’m making everything new.”
I have such a good life Jesus. I have more than I need. Friends who care, family I love and who love me back, a meaningful career. But there is still such a void. The world is a painful place. It’s full of fear and hardship. I so often strive for what I think will fill that void, realizing later that there is nothing in this world that can permanently satisfy me. Then I get on my knees, and confess my idolatry. I come before your throne and lay all of my burdens before you. There I find peace; there I find a small taste of what Rev 21 promises will be a full meal later.
I long for you to complete me Lord; to permanently fill the void inside of me. But in the meantime I watch and I wait for your leading and your direction in my life. I anticipate experiencing you during my conference calls today, while I’m alone in my office, during my time with Michael and Joan this evening, while we visit uncle John on his death bed tonight. Thank you for your constant presence.
Journal Entry – September 14, 2012
Cal Funk
Cal who is married to Joan, is the Director of Cell Ministry at Seeds Church and a part of the Leadership Team.