What might happen when we ask the Holy Spirit to guide our attention to what God would have us focus on when we read this scripture passage?
There’s a part in this passage that has become quite familiar to me over the past number of years, and at first I thought I’d just settle right in and enjoy that portion again today. But instead I began by asking the Holy Spirit to highlight something that I needed to hear today.
So I read the scripture slowly, out loud, twice. And I was drawn to the words in verse 16 where it says “everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him”. Wait a minute. Doesn’t that fit with what resonated with me in yesterday’s reading? Where my thoughts were drawn toward discovering my true self in relationship with God? This is definitely worth digging into a bit more.
My prayer is as simple as asking, “God, what do you want me to know about our relationship through these words?”
What if we each prayed that today?
Candice Letkeman
Candice is married to Curt and is the leader of the iPray team at Seeds Church.