As part of the Year of Living Biblically, a number of people will be sharing there reflections, journal entries and thoughts on the daily scripture. Enjoy, and let them help you in your daily engagement with the Bible.

The words that stick out to me are words like "All…any…everything….everyone…"
Christ holds it ALL together…
He was there before ANY of it came into existence…
He's there, towering above EVERYTHING…EVERYONE…
ALL, all the bro ken and dislocated pieces….get properly fixed and fit together
You don't walk away from a gift like that!  Do you!?!
May I not walk away from that all encompassing, all inclusive gift!  May I, and may WE….stay "grounded and steady in that bond of trust, constantly tuned in to the Message. 
Today, may I not get diverted and distracted from the ALL and EVERYTHING of YOU! 
Darlene Enns-Dyck
Darlene is married to Ted and they both are Lead Pastors at Seeds Church.