Galatians 6:1-6

Lectio Divina {Divine Reading} Read. Reflect. Respond. Rest.


Before I opened my Bible for today’s reading, I felt curious:  where would I find myself in the scripture reading for today?  And I turned that into a prayer:  God, would you show me myself in your words today.


I found myself in most every line of this passage.  I could have stayed in the first 3 verses and asked a lot of questions there. But I sensed God quickly reminding me to allow him to show me what he wanted me to see.  And that seemed to be verse 4:  “Make careful exploration of who you are and the work you’ve been given, and then sink yourself into that”.

Those words do resonate with me, and I felt drawn into having a dialogue with God about it.  So I asked him why those words are for me today.  (And I invite you, blog-reader, to do the same in your own scripture reading, with whatever words you sense are highlighted for you when you read).  I asked him if he could take me more deeply into those words.  I know that who I am is who He created me to be – which can be different from who I think I am, or who I show myself as to others.  I can get a little lost in that! Therefore the careful exploration.


My response to God was in prayer:  for him to be my guide in this exploration.  He assures me he knows the way.  I prayed for his continued revelations to me of who I am and the work I’ve been given.  For the courage, humility and faith I need to receive that.  And for patience and gentleness with myself as I continually explore and learn.


The words “sink yourself into that” is my invitation to rest in who I am – who God created me to be.

Candice Letkeman

Candice is married to Curt and is the leader of the iPray team at Seeds Church.