Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

MCM Staff in the congregations

July 10: Michael Pahl at Pinawa Christian Fellowship
July 10-17: Melanie Neufeld at Living Word (Cross Lake)
August 14: Dorothy Fontaine at Morden Mennonite Church
August 21: Melanie Neufeld at Gretna Bergthaler Mennonite Church
August 21: Janet Peters at Pinawa Christian Fellowship
August 28: Melanie Neufeld at First Mennonite Church

Nationwide Worship Service – July 10

Eden Mennonite Church. Title: A Life of Wonder. Scripture: Psalm 8. Description: At times in life, we all need to stop and recapture the WONDER of a God who is all around us all the time.  Psalm 8 offers much to the reader, but perhaps nothing emerges more than an invitation to simply notice, embrace and participate in the WONDER of God here and now.The services and a schedule are available at