MCC Update

MCC Update

Host an MCC workshop on having difficult conversations. The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted some painful exchanges between colleagues, friends and even family members, but so have many other issues. This workshop offers tools for practicing self-awareness, active listening and open dialogue. For more information or to host this workshop, contact Marta Bunnett Wiebe at [email protected] or 204-925-1910.

Cycle Clear Lake for MCC! Sign up for a beautiful 34 km trail ride on July 2 and raise money to help refugees and displaced people around the world. Find out more and register by June 15 at

Golf for MCC. Join us for a day of golf, prizes and dinner on July 7 and you’ll support refugees and displaced people around the world. For more information about the MCC Manitoba Golf Tournament and to register, visit

Join a compassionate community of Manitobans helping to end hunger! Sponsor an acre of Manitoba farmland through Grow Hope to provide food and agricultural training for people in places like India and Haiti. Your gift will multiple with every $1 growing to as much as $5! Visit to learn more and join us.

Want to support the work of MCC in a hands-on way? MCC Plum Coulee Warehouse is looking for volunteers! We need people with various skillsets related to creating comforters (sewing, pinning, sandwiching) and preparing shipments (bailing and packaging). Contact Gord Letkeman for more information at 204-829-3005 or [email protected]

A woman cycles on a trail ride

The annual Cycle Clear Lake event is back after a two-year break, offering cycling enthusiasts an opportunity to raise funds for MCC while enjoying a gorgeous day on the 34 km long Clear Lake Trail!

Above: Stephanie Kramer rides in the 2018 Cycle Clear Lake event.