MCC Update

MCC Update

Golf for MCC! Join us for a day of golf, prizes and dinner on July 7 and you’ll support refugees and displaced people around the world. For more information about the MCC Manitoba Golf Tournament and to register, visit

Become a virtual farmer and help end global hunger. Sponsor an acre of Manitoba farmland through Grow Hope to provide food and agricultural training for people in places like India and Haiti. Your gift will multiple with every $1 growing to as much as $5! Visit to learn more and join us.

We’re hiring! MCC Canada is looking for a Stewardship Coordinator and an Enterprise IT Systems Specialist. Visit for more information and to apply.

Want to support the work of MCC in a hands-on way? MCC Plum Coulee Warehouse is looking for volunteers! We need people with various skillsets related to creating comforters (sewing, pinning, sandwiching) and preparing shipments (bailing and packaging). Contact Gord Letkeman for more information at 204-829-3005 or [email protected]

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“No road is safe”

While it has barely made the news, the northern part of Ethiopia has entered its 17th month of civil war. Catch the most recent episode of Relief, Development and Podcast to hear from two Ethiopians –– Asiyah Mohammed and Desalegn Abebe Ejo about their experiences in the conflict zones.