Climate Emergency

Climate Emergency

The climate emergency is here! We need Parliament to pass bold legislation that accelerates the transition to 100% renewable energy while creating millions of good, green jobs.

That’s why on March 12th, we’re taking action. From coast to coast, we will visit MP offices and use creative visuals, theatrics, and art to show them the kinds of programs we need to transition off fossil fuels. Our government doesn’t have a clear vision for a Just Transition so we’re bringing our vision to them. 

Please consider writing a letter of support to our MP Candice Bergen. Bring them to Connie Heppner Mueller’s house (drop off in mailbox anytime before Thu. March 10, 52 4th Ave. NW). Letters will be hand-delivered to her office at 1:30 on Friday March 12. Feel free to attend for even more impact! See this document for more information and resources to get you started.