MCC Update

MCC Update

The journey of a comforter: Live from Kansas and Jordan. Whether you make comforters for MCC or are interested in learning more, join us for this exclusive webinar on February 17 at 11am (CST). Follow the journey of how MCC comforters are sewn, shipped and shared with displaced people in Jordan. For more information and to register, visit

In response to political tensions and crisis in Ukraine, join us as we pray “In Ukraine, Lord, May Your Peace Prevail.” 

Imagine embarking on a year-long adventure in a foreign country—when your only reliable connection to home is snail mail. That’s what Loretta did forty years ago as one of the first Manitobans to participate in MCC’s Serving and Learning Together (SALT) program.

Read Loretta’s reflections on an experience that completely changed her worldview, plus tips for young people considering the program.