How to Have an Enemy with Melissa Florer-Bixler: Episode 34

How to Have an Enemy with Melissa Florer-Bixler:  Episode 34

On today’s podcast Darlene and Ted are joined by pastor, activist and author Melissa Florer-Bixler to explore her new book How to Have an Enemy: Righteous Anger & The Work of Peace.

Melissa is the pastor of Raleigh Mennonite Church, and a graduate of Duke University and Princeton Theological Seminary. She spent times studying in Israel/Palestine, Kenya, and England. Much of her formation took place in the L’Arche community of Portland, OR. Now she prefers the Eno River and her garden in Raleigh, NC. She is the chair of L’Arche North Carolina and a steering committee member in broad-based organizing in her county. Melissa’s writing has appeared in Christian Century, Sojourners, Geez, Anabaptist Witness, The Bias, Faith&Leadership, and Anabaptist Vision. From time to time she publishes academic writing. She and her spouse parent three children.


A couple of items from the podcast that need to be corrected.

  1. Ted made an allusion to a Forrest Gump quote when he said “Mennonite is as Mennonite does” but his Gen Xer mind mistakenly referred to Ferris Bueller. If you were confused, clearly Ted was as well.
  2. Again Ted, interrupted Melissa when she mentioned 501c’s and tried to clarify what the USAmerican concept meant. Mistakenly he talked about RRSP’s for the Canadian context, which was incorrect. A 501c in the US refers to the tax exempt status of religious organizations, what we would refer to as non-profit status in Canada.