Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

MCM Fall Update

A brief report from Executive Minister Michael Pahl. Read the update here.

Woven kick off “Woven Wednesdays”

Woven ( Mennonite Women MB) are thrilled to announce the Kick Off of their Woven Wednesday Series; Faith: Yours, Mine and Ours, Wednesday Sept. 29th 8pm.  Hosted by Kathy Giesbrecht this monthly online gathering  hopes to be an MCM space that infuses our understandings, conversations and imagination. Inviting voices from all corners to speak into our shared Life in Christ, holding hope that together we walk into the future with deepened faithfulness. Guided by the call to immerse ourselves in Scripture, community and Spirit.
Do pass the word around. For Zoom Room Link contact [email protected]

Join an MCM Gratitude Group. Every second week for six weeks on Zoom. 40 minutes of joining others in encouragement and sharing gratitude. Led by Laura Funk, MCM Spiritual Director-in-Residence. for much more info and to register.