MCC Update

MCC Update

The people of Haiti need our help. On Saturday, August 14th, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the country, killing at least 1,300 people and injuring thousands more. Early reports show that many of those who survived lost their homes. Thousands are sleeping outside, with little food and no protection from the elements. To donate, click here or visit

Sign up for the 18th Annual MCC Manitoba Golf Tournament today! Join us for a day of golf, prizes and dinner on September 9th to support families impacted by the Beirut explosion. Register here or at

Looking to gain valuable work experience or fill your free time while helping your community? Sargent MCC Thrift Shop is looking for shop clerks to work once per week/month from 10am-4pm. You must be 15 years or older and will receive all necessary training. Please call 204-783-8185 or email [email protected] to enquire or click here for more details.