Luke 14

Lectio Divina {Divine Reading} Read. Reflect. Respond. Rest.


I read this week’s scripture all in one sitting today.  Partly because I had time, and partly because the stories were all connected.  I read asking God to highlight something to me in the words.


Although these are familiar stories, sometimes the particular wording in the Message translation brings something fresh to the forefront.  That, and sometimes learning and reading of other authors that I’ve been focused on influence my thinking about the scriptures.

Today my attention was drawn to Luke 14:11 “But if you’re content to be simply yourself, you will become more than yourself”.  That made me think about some of Richard Rohr’s books, (like Falling Upward) where he writes about learning to recognize our True Selves – the part of us that was made to identify with the Holy Spirit and reflect who God is.  So if I’m content to be simply myself (my True Self), then I’m content in who God made me to be.  I am not posturing to be what I think others want to see, or trying to get more for myself to feed my own ego – my False Self.  And I like the word “simply”.  Simply myself.  It sounds uncomplicated, not heavy, and relaxing.  Could that be possible?  Could living out of my True Self be uncomplicated, light, and relaxing?  Could that be the promise in the next part of the verse where it says “you will become more than yourself”?


God, I want to be content to be simply myself.  Over and over again, I surrender my False Self to you, and watch how you do it.  Teach me to live freely and lightly.  Thank you for your love and gentleness.


In that love and gentleness, I know I can rest.  I can be content to be simply myself.

Candice Letkeman

Candice is married to Curt and is the leader of the iPray team at Seeds Church.