Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Kyle Penner called to help with vaccine hesitancy

Associate Pastor at Grace Mennonite in Steinbach, Kyle has stepped up to become a public spokesperson for encouraging vaccine uptake. This has made him the target of a lot of hateful communication, much of it from other Christians. Pray for Kyle and his family. Read the CBC article on Kyle’s gracious response to the vitriol he’s received.

Deep Calls to Deep – do you hear the call?

There is still room in this Saturday’s retreat at 600 Shaftesbury Blvd. for a few more people. Because of the loosening of restrictions we are able to gather in person! We hope to spend most of the day outside by the beautiful Assiniboine Forest. Please register by Friday noon so we can prepare well for you.

MennoCast – Anabaptism Unplugged (podcast)

Moses Falco, pastor at Sterling Mennonite in Winnipeg, has launched this podcast with two other hosts. They plan to explore Anabaptist themes with a new guest each episode. Episode 1 is now available. Visit or wherever you get your podcasts.