Camps with Meaning Update

Camps with Meaning Update

Leadership Training at Camps with Meaning has started

Our young adult leaders have begun their training. Please pray for them as they prepare for another unique summer of camping ministry.
In this photo, they are stretching their communication skills with a cooperative task. They will do it blindfolded next. Click on the image to enlarge.

Job Opportunities at Camp Assiniboia

Do you know someone who should be the new Head of Maintenance (ongoing position) or Summer Head Cook? We could use your help tapping the right person on the shoulder. See the bulletin announcement below for details.

Ring up the Cash Update

Rick Neufeld finished his walk from Altona to Camp; Youth Pastors are starting a campaign; a Winnipeg church is planning participation to encourage generosity across generations and giving abilities.
Feel free to share the intro video with those who may be curious, or need to know.

Camps with Meaning invites applications for the following positions at Camp Assiniboia: Head of Maintenance and Summer Head Cook. Please contact the camp office or visit