Psalm 27

Lectio Divina {Divine Reading} Read. Reflect. Respond. Rest.


I read the entire week’s scriptures in one sitting this morning, plus a Lent devotional and asked God to give me a sense of which one I should return to for Lectio Divina.  I was drawn back to today’s reading, Psalm 27, which I read for a second time, slowly and out loud.


I recalled that the first time I read it through I was drawn to verse 4:  “I’m asking God for one thing, only one thing:  To live with him in his house my whole life long.  I’ll contemplate his beauty, I’ll study at his feet.”

The second time I read, I was again drawn to that verse, but the preceding verses brought up some memories for me.  Verse 1:  “… with him on my side I’m fearless, afraid of no one and nothing” and it goes on to describe enemies and situations where we can have confidence because God is on our side.  I began to think of times when “my enemies” have driven me to God’s side.  And often when I think of enemies, it’s not people but what the Enemy uses to try and turn me away from God:  lies about myself that I’m not worthy or in some way not good enough, or sickness that’s out of my control and “should” have me in some kind of panic.


My prayer when I reflect on times of feeling out of control, or unworthy is this:  “God I ask you for one thing, and only one thing:  To live with you in your house my whole life long”.  That is enough!  And where is God’s house?  I’m reminded of John 15:4-10, the scripture about the Vine and the branches.  Jesus invites us to make our home in him just as he does in us, the relation intimate and organic. So God’s house is … in me.


The words in the second half of verse 4 and through verse 5 of Psalm 27 is a perfect place to rest and experience God’s love washing over me:  “I’ll contemplate his beauty, I’ll study at his feet.  That’s the only quiet, secure place in a noisy world, the perfect getaway, far from the buzz of traffic.”  That sounds like a wonderful place to rest.

Candice Letkeman

Candice is married to Curt and is the leader of the iPray team at Seeds Church.