Seeds in-person Pop up Cell on Sunday, April 11 @ 10:45 am

Seeds in-person Pop up Cell on Sunday, April 11 @ 10:45 am

With the loosening of provincial public health restrictions we can once again open the doors of the eXchange and welcome you back to in-person services. We will continue with the Hybrid model of alternating Cell Sundays and Worship Sundays. You are welcome to attend the in-person Cell group this Sunday, April 11 @ 10:45 am

Here’s what you need to know to join the worship service in person…

  1. Masks are mandatory (including children 5 years and older)…masks can be removed once you are seated but must be worn when moving to and from your seat.
  2. Social distancing required…sit with your household.
  3. Nursery is not available. Kid’s activity crates available in worship centre.
  4. Please DO NOT attend if you are not feeling well (no matter how mild the symptoms), if you have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID in the last 2 weeks, if you or anyone in your household are waiting for results of a COVID test or if you have been outside the province in the last 2 weeks.