Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Do you know a university student who is still deciding where to live in Winnipeg this summer or in the fall? Then pass this on! Emmaus House has openings for summer/fall 2021. It is a place that immediately feels like home and where you’ll find good food, friends, and lots of laughter. Seriously, check it out at or call 204-272-9191 and as for Rod or Susan.

Mennonite Church Manitoba invites applications for the position of Director of Church Engagement. For more information on this 0.5FTE position, or contact [email protected].

Mennonite Church Canada invites applications for the position of Executive Assistant, beginning May, 2021. This position is full-time and located in Winnipeg, Man. Applicants from across Canada are invited to apply. For the full job description go to:

The Good News of “Holy Terror”

In our Holy Week journey toward the cross, we already know that the story ends with the good news of resurrection. But Mark gives us a different take on Jesus’ resurrection than we typically think of, and it’s a take worth reflecting on this Easter. Michael Pahl 
Read the whole article

Series of Five Camp Devotionals

Janet Peters (Program Director – Camps with Meaning) created a series of 5 short devotionals for chapel at Westgate Mennonite Collegiate. They include a camp staff reflection and music, and would be applicable to many scenarios. Feel free to use them. View them at the YouTube playlist here.
1. Roots; 2. Trunk; 3. Branches and Leaves; 4 Fruit; 5 Seeds

CMU course on worship

Consider taking a CMU spring intensive course for credit or audit! Christian Worship: Patterns and Practices is being offered from May 3-7. Explore the challenges and opportunities facing worshiping communities, and engage in conversation on the nature and patterns of Christian worship today in light of Scripture, theology and history. Go to for more information and to register.