MCC Update

MCC Update

Happy Easter from us at MCC! At Easter, many Ukrainians decorate eggs to give to friends and family as a symbol of new life. Decorate your own by downloading this colouring page at

With spring on the horizon, MCC’s Grow Hope farmers are starting to work their fields for the planting season, and they need your help. When you sponsor an acre of Manitoba farmland, you’re joining a community of people working to end global hunger. Plus, every $1 you give can grow up to $5! Join together with your church or small group and create a giving registry to watch your funds grow through the season. The first five churches in Manitoba that sign up for a giving registry will receive a free copy of the new Germinating Conversations book! Visit to find out how to create a giving registry or to access resources such as this interactive guide.

Last spring, Grow Hope in Manitoba welcomed a new farmer, Clayton Harder. In early 2020, the season ahead looked tough: a pandemic on the rise, an early winter in October and a late frost May, all disrupted many plans. Luckily, 2020 had many surprises, including 326 acres sponsored by generous Grow Hope donors. Learn more about Clayton’s experience at