MCI Update

MCI Update

MCI Virtual Open House February 11 – Learn more about MCI by attending our upcoming Live Virtual Open House on February 11 at 7pm. In the hour-long Open House, attendees will hear from staff about MCI programs, student life, and tour our school – from the beautiful performing arts center, down the halls of our academic wing and into the dormitory. The online session will also allow time to ask questions directly to MCI staff and students about the application process, student bursaries, extra-curricular activities, or any other areas of interest. We are excited to welcome people into our halls again, even if it is virtually! To receive the link to this event, email [email protected] or visit MCI Social Media for more information. (@mciadmissions on Instagram)

Considering MCI for the 2021-22 school year? New students who submit an application by March 15 will share in $25,000 of available tuition support. One lucky applicant will also receive their first year of tuition FREE! For more information visit or contact our Student Recruitment Associate, Sophie Gerbrandt, at [email protected]