Extended Meal Train for Chris & Lori Franz Family

Extended Meal Train for Chris & Lori Franz Family

Lori had unexpected surgery a week ago for removal of ovarian cysts and has to be on daily IV therapy for infection so recovery has taken longer than expected. Please consider helping out this family this coming week by providing a meal while Lori is recuperating. Use the following link to sign up for a specific day.


Chris & Lori and family live in Gretna so if you would like to provide a meal and are unable to deliver it to Gretna, or need their address please contact Joan Funk email: [email protected] or cell: 204-324-4469.

When delivering meals, please use containers that don’t need to be returned. Notify Chris (cell: 204-304-0329 or email: [email protected]) when you will drop off the meal and leave it at the door to ensure contactless delivery.