Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Mennonite Church Manitoba Update
Support the winter clothing drive for Island Lake Anishinew Nation.Washed and gently used clothing items can be contactlessly dropped off at 264 Langside, Winnipeg until December 10. Cesar Flores, a young adult at Home Street Mennonite is supporting this First Nations Waste Minimization Project (search them on Facebook), which is shipping these items on behalf of Four Arrows Regional Health Authority. Contact Cesar at 204-782-7517 for more info.

Mennonite Church Canada calls for prayer for Ethiopia and Eritrea Mennonite Church Canada has just under a dozen congregations across Canada with roots in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Meserete Kristos Church in Ethiopia is the largest Anabaptist community worldwide with whom we have an intentional, sister-church relationship.  Ethiopia is experiencing a threefold threat of pandemic, famine and war. Crops are devastated due to a locust infestation and Ethiopia is now in the midst of intense conflict, while in the grip of a global pandemic. Pray for peace and healing in Ethiopia. Pray especially for the children; 42% of the population is below the age of 15. Pray also for the congregations here in Canada in our nationwide community of faith who carry deep concern for Ethiopia and Eritrea and for loved ones.
Click here for the press release.

MC PIN organizes online meet-and-greet with Bethlehem Bible College Meet several college representatives from Bethlehem Bible College through a one-hour Zoom gathering on Tuesday, Dec. 15, at 6 p.m. Bethlehem time (11 a.m. EST). This event is organized by the Mennonite Church Canada Palestine Israel Network. Email [email protected] to register for this encounter. Keep the people of the Holy Land in your prayers during these tumultuous times. 

Witness workers responding to deadly typhoon Pray for strength and wisdom as PeaceBuilders Community, Inc. (PBCI), together with Witness workers Dann and Joji Pantoj, respond to the disaster of the latest typhoon in the Philippines.  Typhoon Ulysses hit the north island of Luzon leaving an entire city submerged with more than 28,000 family homes under water. The PAR teams of Manila and Kalinga are responding. May God’s love be shown through them to people in need. Read more from the Pantoja’s blog.
INDIGENOUS-SETTLER RELATIONS   Wrongs to Rights: How Churches Can Engage the UNDRIP now free through CommonWord 
Over the next few weeks the Government of Canada will likely table legislation to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This is huge! According to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the Declaration is “the framework for reconciliation” for Canadian society. But what exactly is the Declaration? What does it mean for the church? To educate and raise public support, ISR is making Wrongs to Rights available for free through CommonWord. Short articles, poetry, artwork and a study guide make this resource perfect for individual or (online) group reflection. Order through CommonWord (shipping costs apply).