Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Mennonite Church Canada congregations donate $40,000 to Mennonite World Conference’s COVID-19 relief fund     Since the spring, our nationwide community of faith we has raised over $40,000 for MWC’s Global Church Sharing Fund to help our sister churches around the world who struggle to meet basic needs due to pandemic-response measures in their countries. We reached 80 per cent of our goal to match Mennonite Church Canada’s initial donation of $50,000 in the spring. Thanks to everyone for helping to build up our global body of believers.

Take Action for the DeclarationThe Government of Canada promised to introduce legislation to implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the end of 2020. With only one month to go before the House of Commons breaks for the year, we are still waiting and praying! Please send the Minister of Justice and key politicians an urgent message—using MCC’s Take Action Letter—to support this “framework for reconciliation” (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada).

CommonWord remains open during increased COVID-19 restrictions in Manitoba Staff remain available for congregational resourcing questions and are here to help connect you with Anabaptist and related materials, Monday-Friday, 9-5 p.m. CDT. Browse our website ( to find thousands of free, digital resources or to place your online retail or loan order. Or contact us (204-594-0527; [email protected]) for assistance. If you’re in the Winnipeg area, although the doors to Marpeck Commons are now locked, we allow entry for walk-in traffic and are glad to arrange for curbside pickup. We don’t want you to go without your fair-trade coffee, other local specialty foods or a good book to read!   

Virtual Book Launch at CommonWord Join us for a Zoom conversation with Ray Friesen on the launch of his book Wandering the Wilderness, November 12, 7:00 P.M. (CDT). Former pastor and lifelong “believing skeptic,” Ray will reflect on his own wilderness experiences and Brené Brown’s Wholehearted living research, while offering an ancient Biblical pathway for our own desert pilgrimage. Register at