Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

MC Canada Worships – Sunday July 19 – Langham Mennonite Fellowship (Langham, SK) welcomes our nationwide community to join us for worship this Sunday, July 19th. Pastor Emily Summach will explore what it means to be known by God and be faithful in our New Kingdom calling as Jesus taught in the Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds from Matthew 13. Available at and our YouTube channel.

Riverton Fellowship Circle closes doors – The Riverton Fellowship Circle (RFC) invited its Riverton Ministry Circle partners to a meeting on June 24, 2020.  The purpose of the meeting was to have their support as a motion was passed to dissolve the church corporation and its assets. The church fellowship began meeting in 1985 at the Riverton and District Friendship Centre (RDFC).  As the congregation grew, so did their desire to have their own church building.  After much fundraising and community support, construction happened in summer 1997.  RFC joined MCM at the annual session on February 24, 2006. The RDFC has graciously accepted the church’s gift of their building so that the community will continue to benefit from the wide scope of programming the Centre offers. RFC has been a vital part of the Riverton community over the years so a service of closing and celebration will happen at a later date.

SAVE THE DATE: Table Talk: Does the Church have Legs? Mennonite Church Canada Study Conference, October 24, 2020  
Join our nationwide community of faith as we gather virtually for “Table Talk: Does the Church Still have Legs?”, a virtual study conference on the nature and identity of the church and the role of worship. Plenary speakers from Mennonite Church Canada-affiliated universities and colleges will present on themes of ecclesiology and worship. For more information, visit
Help match Mennonite Church Canada’s donation to Mennonite World Conference’s COVID-19 relief fund!  
This spring Mennonite Church Canada donated $50,000 to MWC’s Global Church Sharing Fund to help our sister churches around the world who are struggling to meet basic needs due to pandemic-response measures in their countries. Now Mennonite Church Canada is asking its congregations to match this donation so that we collectively raise $100,000. Donations will go through regional churches. Click here for more info.