MCC Update

MCC Update

What difference can a dollar make? Listen as Paul Shetler Fast, MCC’s Global Health Coordinator, shares about increasing his giving during the COVID-19 pandemic at

Join us for Give us our daily bread: COVID-19 and the coming food crisis, an online webinar on Wednesday, July 15 at 11:00am. With global lockdowns, disrupted supply chains and economic downturns, more and more people will go hungry. Hear stories of how MCC continues to provide. Sign up here

Take on the challenge and GO! Choose 100 of any activity – biking, baking, singing or puzzles and complete it before July 27th to commemorate MCC’s birthday. Don’t forget to ask your friends and family to join you, and help MCC respond to the needs of vulnerable people impacted by COVID-19 around the world. Learn more at

What has MCC been doing locally? Read about how MCC Manitoba is reaching out to those that need it most in the community at