MCC Update

MCC Update

Thank you for helping MCC scale up our work to respond to the needs of vulnerable people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are so grateful for our loyal supporters and donors who are ensuring MCC is there in times of crisis. However, due to new financial realities, we have made several key decisions regarding programming and staff. Read more about these changes here:

During these uncertain times, we want to thank you for your part in supporting MCC. Share this video, “You are a bright light” with your congregation as a thank you from us. Find the video here:

Looking for something to do? MCC Thrift Shops are looking for volunteers under 50 years old! Thrift Shops are taking extensive precautions to protect volunteers, staff and customers. Some of our volunteers are unable to come back at this time, and we are in need of a few extra hands to help! To find and contact a thrift store near you visit

Grow Hope by sponsoring an acre of farmland and help feed hungry people around the world. Follow this interactive guide to learn about global hunger and what you can do to help:

With thanksgiving, we are reconciled for ministry. In 2020, MCC is celebrating 100 years of sharing God’s love and compassion with people in the name of Christ. We invite you to use these worship resources as you reflect on God’s work of reconciliation in your life, in the church and around the world at under Resources.