Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

MC Canada Worships – Sunday May 24 – Chinatown Peace Church from MCBC will bring this Ascension Sunday worship service to our nationwide community of faith. “Ascension Absence” Text: Acts 1:6-11, John 16:5-28, 33.” In our present context of physical separation, how can the physical absence of Jesus resulting from His ascension be a gift of love? How might Jesus’ ascension inform our own acts of love toward others despite our physical absence from each other? (Includes communion, please be prepared with crackers/bread and juice/wine.).

MCM Video Worship/Inspirational Resources

Three new pieces available:

  • Crystal City and Trinity Mennonite merging story
  • Children’s story by Camps with Meaning staff – Grandma Time
  • Inspirational song by Paul Dueck on the Paraguayan Folk Harp. Psalm 27, another beautiful Psalm setting by Paul

Visit the Hope Unleashed page in the Worship Resources.

Crystal City Mennonite and Trinity Mennonite Fellowship, Mather – On the journey to merger Video.

Two years in the making, and stalled out by a pandemic, Pastor Erin Morash shares a bit of the journey of two MCM congregations merging. This is a great story. Find it in the Hope Unleashed collection.

The MCM Executive Minister Search Committee invites your prayers.  We will be interviewing Executive Minister candidates in late May, checking references and then discerning our recommendation to the MCM Board.  Please pray that God’s Spirit will guide the entire process and the choice that is made.