MCI Update

MCI Update

Early in March, a new leadership team was put into service. Gerald Barkman resigned due to health concerns. The board appointed Harold Schlegel as Executive Director and Toby Wiens as Acting Principal, with Paul Peters, continuing as Director of Student Life. Please hold us in your prayers as we seek to guide MCI through these challenging times.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we do not want to lose sight of several encouraging developments:

    • The Musical “Annie” was a resounding success. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported from afar.
    • Student applications for September 2020 already match the number of students currently enrolled.
    • Financial gifts to the school were up substantially in 2019.

Even though students are not physically on campus, we continue to pursue our mission in several key ways:

    • Our teachers are creatively engaging students to accomplish educational success.
    • Student Life Staff are effectively using social media to foster a sense of Christian community. Daily virtual chapels have been shared on our YouTube channel. We encourage you to have a look and experience them first-hand.

The ‘indefinite suspension of classes’ and the closure of our dorm for the foreseeable future, create many uncertainties. Many of our support staff have been ‘furloughed’ and are applying for government support to replace employment income. We recognize that many of our donors are also feeling the effect of this crisis. MCI cannot afford to finish the year with a deficit. We wonder how the pandemic will affect future enrollment. There are many unanswered questions.

In times such as this, we place our trust in the One who holds the future. Please join us in praying for MCI. Pray for our students, our staff and our supports. Pray that God’s will be done in us, through us and among us.