Daily Scripture – April 8, 2020

Daily Scripture – April 8, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 recommendations, worship services at Seeds are cancelled until further notice.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic we began a Lent series ‘Living Lightly’ to help us focus specifically on how we grow the relationship between ourselves and God’s creation. Some of the conversations that were planned for Sunday morning worship services are now available on our website as podcasts.

Labyrinth worship – A labyrinth is set up in the worship centre for you to walk anytime you want during from now until the Easter weekend. Please let one of the people below know if you need someone to open the eXchange for you.

Ted  [email protected] or 204-304-0635

Dar  [email protected] or 204-304-9080

Joan  [email protected] or 204-324-4469 

Scriptures for Monday-Wednesday are from the Seeds ‘Living Lightly’ theme for the Lenten season and the rest of the scriptures are taken from the Revised Lectionary Year A

Today’s Scripture: John 12:1-19

There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them!

1. Use the Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) method of Praying the Scriptures. Listen while you read it slowly. Meditate on what you hear. Speak to God your prayer, thoughts, questions. Rest in God’s presence, let His presence wash over you as you sit in quiet.

2. SOAP – Scripture (read it) Observe (ask questions, research, etc) Apply (What does say to me in the present?) Pray (let God know what you’re thinking or questioning)

For scripture study helps visit Bible Gateway and for more lectionary info visit Text This Week