Meal Train for Lyle & Ashley Wiens family

Meal Train for Lyle & Ashley Wiens family

Congratulations to Lyle & Ashley Wiens  on the birth of their daughter, Iris Katharina, born Saturday, March 14 weighing 9 lbs, 12 oz. Iris is a sister to Ada & June.

To help ease the transition of this new arrival into this family please consider bringing a meal. You can use the following link to sign up for a certain day Meal Train  If the dates don’t work for you, please consider providing them with a freezer meal to use at their convenience.

Do not sign up if you are sick, if you have travelled outside of Manitoba or if you have been in contact with anyone that has tested positive for the COVIS-19 virus.

If you do choose to sign up, please be vigilant in the hand-washing recommendations while preparing your meal. For more info on the symptoms of this virus click on this link Manitoba Health links or for info on hand washing technique please click on the following hand-washing link