Daily Scripture – March 29, 2020

Daily Scripture – March 29, 2020

Many people make time and a commitment during the Season of Lent to reflect and act in different ways than their normal life.  This is a beautiful opportunity to change our regular pattern of life and begin a new pattern in the hopes of fostering a relationship with God, ourselves and even others.  This lent Seeds is specifically focusing on how we grow the relationship between ourselves and God’s creation.  The planet that is our everyday home.  Below is a list of practices that move us to slow down to REFLECT.  It might feel overwhelming at first to see so many ideas in one place and maybe you have already made one of these ideas an aspect of your daily life.  We hope and pray that this season will deepen your connection to God, yourself, and to others (including our beautiful world we live in.)

Reflection Ideas – Cultivate contentment. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Spend time in nature. Build community. Spend some time each day outside. Breathe deeply. Look up. Listen. Give thanks for this wondrous home we’ve been given.

Due to the COVID-19 recommendations, worship services at Seeds are cancelled until further notice. The hope is that you will find creative ways to spend time at home and ways to stay connected to the people who are in your circles. Please don’t hesitate to contact Ted  [email protected] or 204-304-0635, Dar  [email protected] or 204-304-9080 or Joan  [email protected] or 204-324-4469 for any needs that may arise during this time.

Scriptures for Monday-Wednesday are from the Seeds ‘Living Lightly’ theme for the Lenten season and the rest of the scriptures are taken from the Revised Lectionary Year A

Today’s Scripture: John 9

There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them!

1. Use the Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) method of Praying the Scriptures. Listen while you read it slowly. Meditate on what you hear. Speak to God your prayer, thoughts, questions. Rest in God’s presence, let His presence wash over you as you sit in quiet.

2. SOAP – Scripture (read it) Observe (ask questions, research, etc) Apply (What does say to me in the present?) Pray (let God know what you’re thinking or questioning)

For scripture study helps visit Bible Gateway and for more lectionary info visit Text This Week