Seeds 20th Birthday and Breakfast Potluck 10 am on Sunday, Jan. 5

Seeds 20th Birthday and Breakfast Potluck 10 am on Sunday, Jan. 5

Join us for a Breakfast Potluck at 10 am on Sunday, Jan. 5. The morning is all about celebrating JOY so wear something that sparks JOY in your life. This also happens to be Seeds Church 20th birthday so there might be some birthday cake available! Please bring a platter of baked goods, fruit or cheese for the breakfast buffet.

Worship Service begins @ 10:45 am – You will have an opportunity to share stories of JOY and/or stories from the past 20 years during the service.

Communion – You will have an opportunity to come together around the table to share communion…the table is open to all!

Camp Roots – Children’s ministry ‘Camp Roots’ is offered upstairs during the worship service after the worship singing for two age groups…First Look – Age 3-K and 252 Basic – Gr. 1-6. If you have questions, constructive feedback or are interested in joining the team contact Lisa Peters by email: [email protected] or cell: 204-887-6704

Nursery – Children are welcome to use the upstairs Nursery if accompanied by an adult.

Want to catch up on past worship services? Check out our teach archive