Seeds 20th Birthday and Breakfast Potluck 10 am on Sunday, Jan. 5

Seeds 20th Birthday and Breakfast Potluck 10 am on Sunday, Jan. 5
Join us for a Breakfast Potluck at 10 am on Sunday, Jan. 5. This also happens to be Seeds Church 20th birthday so there might be some birthday cake available! Please bring a platter of baked goods, fruit or cheese for the breakfast buffet. Worship Service begins @ 10:45 am. The theme for the morning is JOY…you will have an opportunity to share stories of joy and/or stories from the past 20 years during the service. Communion – You will have an opportunity to come together around the table to share communion…the table is open to all! Camp Roots – Children’s ministry ‘Camp Roots’ is offered upstairs during the worship service after the worship singing for two age groups…First Look – Age 3-K and 252 Basic – Gr. 1-6. If you have questions, constructive feedback or are interested in joining the team contact Lisa Peters by email: [email protected] or cell: 204-887-6704 Nursery – Children are welcome to use the upstairs Nursery if accompanied by an adult. Want to catch up on past worship services? Check out our teach archive