Due to the COVID-19 recommendations, worship services at Seeds are cancelled until further notice. To stay updated please check the Seeds Church website seedschurch.ca Scriptures for this week are taken from the Revised Lectionary Year A Today’s Scripture: John 7:14-39 There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine...
Daily Scripture – May 30, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 recommendations, worship services at Seeds are cancelled until further notice. To stay updated please check the Seeds Church website seedschurch.ca Scriptures for this week are taken from the Revised Lectionary Year A Today’s Scripture: John 7:1-13 There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine...
Daily Scripture – May 29, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 recommendations, worship services at Seeds are cancelled until further notice. To stay updated please check the Seeds Church website seedschurch.ca Scriptures for this week are taken from the Revised Lectionary Year A Today’s Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine...
Mennonite Church Manitoba Update
Mennonite Church Canada weekly worship service for Sunday, May24 Theme: “Will the Fire Change You? Text: Acts 2:1-4 Springstein Mennonite Church from Springstein, MB., invites you to join in worship as we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. Our theme is taken from this spring’s Leader magazine resources written by Joani Neufeldt of Lethbridge, AB. (service includes...
MCC Update
Check out MCC’s newest addition! Relief, Development and Podcast is a new podcast from MCC. Hosted by Scott Campbell, every episode features a special guest, stories from the field and updates from people and programs making a difference around the world. Access this podcast wherever you find your podcasts or visit mcccanada.ca/relief-development-podcast. Looking for something to do? MCC Thrift...
MCI Update
We invite you to join us for this year’s Sängerfest! It will be a celebration of our students through song, art, and conversation. From student testimonials to teacher tributes, and solo projects to a mass virtual choir, this is a Sängerfest like you’ve never seen before! All from the comfort of your own home. Celebrate...
Daily Scripture – May 28, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 recommendations, worship services at Seeds are cancelled until further notice. To stay updated please check the Seeds Church website seedschurch.ca Scriptures for this week are taken from the Revised Lectionary Year A Today’s Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the...
The Bible’s True Purpose: Define the Relationship Podcast – Episode 2
How does an ancient, distant and odd book work for people who look to it today for spiritual guidance? Join Ted and Darlene as they discuss Peter Enns’ book How the Bible Actually Works. Today we discuss chapter 1 – The Bible’s True Purpose and how pondering 3 words, ancient, ambiguous and diverse, can open...
Daily Scripture – May 27, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 recommendations, worship services at Seeds are cancelled until further notice. To stay updated please check the Seeds Church website seedschurch.ca Scriptures for this week are taken from the Revised Lectionary Year A Today’s Scripture: Psalm 104:24-35 There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine...
Freezer Meal Train for the Curt & Loretta Neustaeter family
As many of you know, Curt Neustaeter has been on a journey with cancer for a few years. He has begun to experience a lot of body pain in the past few weeks and that coupled with Loretta starting a new job next week we would like to ease this family’s burden by supplying some...