Seeds Christmas Production ‘Table Grace’ Christmas Choir 2nd practise this Sunday, Dec. 20, 2-3:30 pm in the Worship Centre. Everyone interested is welcome. Questions? Please contact Joan Funk by emailing [email protected] or ph. 204-324-8406.
Year: <span>2015</span>
Build A Village – First family is coming!
Message from Dar – We found out late yesterday afternoon that our first of 5 Syrian families is arriving TOMORROW!! We have been looking for churches/groups to adopt a family and form a support network around them. No one had claimed this family yet, but at a Build a Village meeting Mel from the United Church stepped up...
Build A Village – Car Seat Fundraiser
Build A Village – An area car seat tech has been in contact in regards to making sure our refugee families will have the correct car seats. Here is a fundraising campaign she started to get people involved. Pass it on to others.
Mustard Seeds – change in venue for Jan. 3
MUSTARD SEEDS (preschoolers with parents) – No Mustards Seeds on Dec. 20. Mustard Seeds will begin again on Sunday, Jan. 3 @ 10 am in the former TWIGS room upstairs starting on Jan. 3. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Florence Neufeld 204.324.8138 or email [email protected] or Erin Funk-Wieler 204.432.3941 email [email protected]
TWIGS on Dec. 20 @ 9:30 am
TWIGS (Grades 6-9) – will meet on Dec. 20 @ 9:30 am upstairs in the TWIGS room. No TWIGS on Jan. 3. Will begin again on Jan. 10 @ 9:30 am in the room behind the Tech/Sound desk in the Worship Centre. Questions? Contact Curt Letkeman 204-324-1820 or email [email protected]
Camp Roots
Camp Roots (K-Gr.5) – NO CAMP ROOTS on Dec. 20. Will meet again on Sunday, Jan. 3 @ 10 am. Questions? Contact Jackie Harms 204-324-5635 or email [email protected]
Worship @ Seeds on Sunday, Dec. 20 @ 10:45 am
Join us for worship this 4th Advent Sunday, Dec. 20 @ 10:45 am. You will have an opportunity to gather around ‘the table’ and participate in Communion. Childcare is provided during the Sunday morning worship service upstairs for ages 1-5 and are dismissed during the worship singing. Children under age 1 are welcome if accompanied by an adult....
Daily Scripture – December 17, 2015
The scriptures for this 4th Advent week are taken from the Lectionary. For more information and scripture study help visit or Daily Scripture for Today: Psalm 80:8-19 There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) method of Praying the Scriptures. Listen while you read it...
Seeds Christmas Production Dress Rehearsal
Seeds Christmas Production ‘Table Grace’ Dress Rehearsal is on Monday, Dec. 21 starting with supper for everyone at 5:30. Sound checks start at 6 pm with the rehearsal beginning at 6:30 pm. This includes all actors, musicians, choir members and technical team. Questions? Please contact Joan Funk by emailing [email protected] or ph. 204-324-8406.
Daily Scripture – December 16, 2015
The scriptures for this 4th Advent week are taken from the Lectionary. For more information and scripture study help visit or Daily Scripture for Today: Psalm 80:1-7 There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) method of Praying the Scriptures. Listen while you read it slowly....